When we think Disney, we think fairy tales, magic, castles, and over priced theme parks. But every now and then Disney moves away from that typical approach to be rewarded with... a lukewarm welcome. They create films that don't always have what we expect from Disney, so they aren't welcomed the same way as Beauty and the Beast or The Lion King, but none the less are still excellent movies in their own rights. These are the top 5 most underrated Disney films ever.
Released in 1995 and having to deal with following up the power house that was The Lion King, Pocahontas has wielded mixed results. Those who love it love it and those who hate it
hate it. The most complaints it gets is that for being based on actual Native American history, the facts are pretty messed up. What people fail to realize is that this movie is less about getting the little facts right and more about understanding the general time. You get the basic feel of what it was like for the Native Americans of the time to see their lands invaded by the "White Man" and suddenly labeled as "Savages." Not to mention it was meant to be less of a history lesson and more meant to be based on the "romanticized" legend of Pocahontas and John Smith. Others have claimed it to be "racist" and "insensitive" to the Native Americans when in reality, this is probably the best thing to come out for the Native Americans. I mean, while Disneyfied, this film gives an idea of the shit Naive Americans had to go through. If this is insensitive to anyone, it's the "White Man." This movie makes them look like total PRICKS!
It's not all doom and gloom for our little Indian Princess though. She still gets dolls, (though not quite as many as Cinderella or Jasmine) she makes an appearance in Walt Disney World's Fantasmic show, and according to sneak peaks will have an appearance in Disney's California Adventure's new "World of Color" show. However, I'm under the impression that the backlash from this is the very reason why it took us so long to get a black Princess. It's not that Disney fears giving Minorities the starring role, they fear the backlash of an audience that will never be satisfied no matter what they do.
The Great Mouse detective was released in 1986. Therefore, it suffers from being a Disney movie from the 80s. You see, the 80s weren't a good time for Disney. Most of their films were pretty lack luster (coughBlackCalderoncough) so when Disney actually DOES make a decent movie, no one really seems to take notice. It also doesn't help that The Great Mouse Detective isn't Disney's typical "Sparkle poof" musical romp we're used to from them so people weren't sure what to expect from it.
Though not perfect, the movie IS very enjoyable. It introduced the computer animation that would be used some time later in Beauty and The Beast, Basil of Baker Street is one of the most entertaining Disney heroes ever, and it's got Vincent Price in it. VINCENT FREAKIN' PRICE!! Who gives the movie one of the catchiest songs.
THIS MOVIE HAS VINCENT PRICE. YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALIDOh and speaking of songs, it doesn't have many but the only other great song in the movie has a anthro mouse strip tease.
Released in 2002, Treasure Planet did the unthinkable. They took the classic novel "Treasure Island" and made it (gasp) EXCITING! Now I'll admit, the first time I heard about this I lifted an eyebrow and said "Pirates in space?" But here's the shocker. It's actually pretty good. First of all, the animation is FANTASTIC! The first time I saw trailers for it, I at first thought it was a sequel to Titan A.E. but was floored when I found out this was Disney. However, we all know what happens when Disney tries to make an animated action film. Yeah. It tanks. As did this. Which I never thought was fair. As I said, the animation was amazing and the characters and story are great. Not to mention, for being set in space, the story is pretty faithful to the novel.
This movie was another case of "Not what we expect from Disney, so we're not having it." Released in 2001, Atlantis is the story about... well... Atlantis. the animation is fantastic, the action is epic, and the characters are memorable. the story also has some nice twists and turns. That is, it would've if the movie's toy line didn't spoil it! So, why did this fail? Again, Disney can't seem to sell an animated action movie. I don't think the ads really gave you a good idea of what to expect but that would've been difficult to do without giving away too much. But really, this is a great movie. And if what I already told you doesn't grab your interest...

Perhaps THIS will
BOINGYep. That's our Disney Princess. Amazing we've come from;

To Kida in Atlantis, huh?
And the most underrated Disney movie is...
Released in 2003 this has to be one of the most beautiful Disney movies I've ever seen and yet, it gets NOTHING from Disney or fans. It's animation is beautiful, the music is incredible (Not only does Phil Collins do the music, but the first song opens with Tina Turner. That's double the epic) and the story is incredibly touching. Why didn't this movie do better? I blame marketing. It was so poorly advertised that for the most part, the only thing you knew about the movie right off was that it had MOOSE! But the visuals are breathtaking, and the music is fantastic. I especially like "Tell everybody I'm on my way" and "Welcome to our family." That one actually got me a little teary eyed once. So, minus a new Princess this movie is just about everything you expect from Disney so naturally, it tanked. I'm under the impression that there was someone up top was purposely trying to downplay 2D so that they'd have an excuse to pull it and just focus on CGI. You remember what I said about bad marketing?

Yeah, that was their idea of a subtitle. That's not how you sell a movie about love, and sacrifice. That sounds more like the subtitle for "Open Season" or something.
But whatever the reason, the movie wasn't very popular
These are my top 5 underrated Disney movies. Remember, your opinion may vary